Monday 19 September 2011

2k12 Previews

So pretty much, I was sick today so I stayed home from school. I was super bored, so I decided to attempt to write a 100 word summary/preview thing of each team for 2k12. These are just my opinions, please don't be too critical of my writing!!!

Atlanta Hawks -
Although the Hawks are lacking a great Point Guard, they will be a great team to use for the casual gamer. With Joe Johnson’s jump shot, Josh Smith’s thunderous dunks and solid defense and just the general consistency of Al Horford in the middle will end up being a very strong team, but what Atlanta are missing is bench depth. There is Jamal Crawford, who is great, Jeff Teague, who will get better, but then not much else. With a little bit of work on the offensive game of the Hawks, you can easily make the team from Atlanta great.

Boston Celtics -
With 4 star players and a decent bench, Boston are going to be one of the best teams to use on 2k12. Rajon Rondo’s great ability to pass will free up Ray Allen and Paul Pierce to get jumpshots off or with the new post play, get the ball to KG and let him go to work. With both jump-shooters and post players to come off the bench, the Celtics will be another strong offensive team. Perhaps the only downfall would be the slight struggle for height, but that shouldn’t be a big problem. A good year for Celtics fans!
Charlotte Bobcats -
No Gerald Wallace, no Stephen Jackson, where will the offensive run come from? Maybe after a patch, Kemba Walker, before I guess for now it’s up to Augustin. It’s really tough to rely on rookies but I think a lot of the responsibility for the team’s gameplay will end up on Walker and Biyombo. Tyrus Thomas will be co-ordinating the D, unless you are brave enough to leave it in the hands of Kwame Brown! Maybe Maggette will stand up, maybe the gamers using Charlotte are exceptionally skilled, but I think the Bobcats won’t be easy to lead to championships!

Chicago Bulls -
Derrick Rose. How good is Derrick Rose going to be. With the drive, the handles and the defense, you’re only missing a good jumpshot, enter Deng and Korver! You’ve got arguably the best PG in the league, a couple of quality jump shooters, a great game on the low post with Boozer and Noah, you’ve got a 62 win team. You’ve got  a few up and coming big men that would be good to use in an association, because this team looks like they will go the distance sometime soon. If it all gets to easy, put on Brian Scalabrine.

Cleveland Cavaliers -
If you’re not a Cleveland fan, I’m guessing you’re not going to want to use the Cavs, at all. Especially during the lockout, with no Kyrie Irving. Although there were lots of injuries to key players and a horrendous off-season before the 2011 year, the Cavaliers were absolute rubbish. The addition of Baron Davis was a good one, the addition of Casspi might be good, the loss of Hickson will really hurt. Hickson and Sessions were the only lights from a pretty dark season in Ohio. It’s fair to say, we are all waiting for Kyrie to rip it up.
Dallas Mavericks -
For me, Dallas were the real surprise packet from last season. Because of the championship, people are pumped to use the Mavs, and rightly so. With the amount of three point shooters on the roster, the Mavs are going to be a fun team to use in transition. With bench including Barea, Beaubois, Haywood, Stojakovic and Terry, I can barely contain my excitement to beat the Heat. With the improved post moves, using Dirk will be even better. And as long as one of our go to plays is a pick and roll with Kidd to Chandler, you’ll go alright.

Denver Nuggets -
To be honest, I didn’t really play with the Nuggets at all in 2k11, especially after the departures of Melo and Chauncey. I know that the Nuggets weren’t too bad after the trades, but I just don’t see how you’re going to win games with Denver. If JR Smith is still there then you will be able to get the offense going with Gallinari and Chandler and you’ve got a decent defense with Nene, K-Mart and the Birdman but Denver seem like a team you want your My Player on, so you can really take control and get some points.
Detroit Pistons -
On paper, Detroit don’t look ridiculously bad, but they will be hard to use come October 4. My favourite player from the Pistons is T-Mac but only because I want to use him with Vince Carter at the Raptors. With him, Hamilton, Prince, Wallace and Villanueva all pretty much on the decline, if you want to use Detroit for an association, work on Stuckey, Jerebko, Maxiell, Bynum, Daye and Monroe. Ben Gordon should be peaking sometime soon, so now after a bit more contemplation, I don’t think Detroit will be too bad, the just need thought. And time. And skill.
Golden State Warriors -
The Warriors were my favourite team to use on 2k11 because of Curry, Ellis and Wright. Although they still need to find a great big man, Lee and Biedrins seem to suffice for the time being. Unfortunately, with the smarter AI on 2k12 I think that the computer will pick my tactic off getting the ball to Curry and dropping threes from all over the place. I think that Golden State are the perfect team to take into an association because they are a decent team now, but there is still room to improve and dominate. Ellis needs to stay!
Houston Rockets -
Get them into an association and trade out one of your seven thousand forwards and get a quality centre. I think if the Rockets get a decent sized centre, Scola can play more of a scoring game and he will improve your organization.  Dragic, Flynn, Lee, Lowry, Martin and Terrence Williams can all score, but if they’re not getting the ball in the ring there needs to be boards. I definitely don’t think that Houston are a bad team, but I think they need a bit of work to be a good team. Yao Ming will be missed by gamers.
Indiana Pacers -
The only reason people like hearing the name ‘Indiana Pacers’ is when we are talking about Reggie Miller, which is unfortunate because he’s not in the game! With McRoberts, Hansborough, Granger and George, I think if you are looking for highlights, then the Pacers might not be too bad, especially with the offensive run of Point Guard, Darren Collison. Should be good for an early on My Player to take control and then request a trade when you are looking for championships after you have your attributes up and your overall is on the rise. Make Granger, your Reggie Miller.
Los Angeles Clippers -
Who can honestly say that once, just once, they didn’t play rookie level and abuse turbo and dunk over everyone with Blake Griffin. The Rookie of the Year is definitely going to be the highlight of playing with the Clips but there are definite some perks, including Mo Williams’ jump shot, Kaman’s post game, Deandre Jordan’s shot blocking ability and just generally using Aminu and Gordon. Another association team, will be good in a few years, with some work, for now, give it to Griffin, he is a monster. Watching the Clippers play Boston in the preview made me keen.
Los Angeles Lakers -
Boohoo, Kobe is only rated 94. Even though the Lakers didn’t really deliver in the Playoffs, as much as this pains me, I think the Lakers will be pretty good. Gasol, Bynum and Odom make for a pretty good front court, Artest brings great D and a bit of 3 point shooting and Kobe is still Kobe. Derek Fisher surely doesn’t have long left in him, so if you can get your PG My Player into the Lakers, it’s going to be a good career. Kobe will do the majority of the scoring early on, but you are the future.
Memphis Grizzlies -
I never took Memphis seriously until they knocked off the Spurs first round, then I got to using them and I love the firepower of Mayo, Gay, Tony Allen and Z-Bo. The outright offensive abilities of this organisation is fantastic with the inside-outside game of Rudy Gay, the post play of Randolph and the drives on the shooting guards, Allen and Mayo are so fun to use on video games. I love using Marc Gasol down on the post and Zach Randolph’s scoring abilities would be good to take into a mode like Creating a Legend when the game drops.
Miami Heat -
If you want to be like every other player online, use the Heat. I believe they are over-used. LeBron is rated 98, Wade 96, Bosh 80 and then the rest of the team are not the best. There are a few good guards that can shoot but there isn’t much talent down on the post. Dampier and Ilgauskas are aging and Joel Anthony is struggling, so why not make a Centre in My Player and take your talents to South Beach and try and get LeBron his first ring. I think it’s hard to win with a three man team.
Milwaukee Bucks -
The Bucks are going to be good in 2k12, acquiring Stephen Jackson and Beno Udrih, to go alongside Jennings and Redd in the backcourt. Jennings seems like a player for Creating a Legend like most of the young Point Guards and with Bogut very strong in the centre, a good Power Forward would be a huge asset to the team. If you can get Ersan Ilyasova and Larry Sanders better, there is no reason you can’t make the Bucks a playoff team, no reason you can’t win a ring. Things are looking up for Milwaukee, so why not take control.
Minnesota Timberwolves -
With Anthony Randolph, Wesley Johnson, Michael Beasley and Kevin Love I don’t understand how Minnesota were so bad. With additions of Brad Miller, Ricky Rubio and Derrick Williams after the lockout, Association looks like a good mode for the Wolves. Love, Johnson, Beasley and Rubio all seem like candidates for Creating a Legend. With just 17 wins in 2011 if you take over control for Association, I don’t see any reason why in a few seasons time, you can’t lead Minnesota to a championship. Despite most likely being the worst team on 2k12, I think anyone could make them good.
New Jersey Nets –
Deron Williams is the team. If you don’t like Deron Williams, don’t use the Nets. The highlight of Kris Humphries career is and always will be, marrying a Kardashian. Brook Lopez would be good, if he could get boards, so maybe if you take him into Creating a Legend, you can make him the player he has the potential to be. Personally, I don’t see the Nets becoming a good team any time soon. There are a couple of guys who can shoot the ball, but the Nets will struggle for points and rebounds. Definitely not a team I’ll use.
New Orleans Hornets –
When used correctly, the combo of CP3 and Okafor is deadly and I think with the amount of control in 2k12 that the Hornets will be fun to use. The two things that the Hornets are short on are depth and experience. They have  a lot of up and comers who will be good in a few years. I wouldn’t be surprised if they will be a pretty consistent playoff team from sort of 2014 onwards, you just need to stick with them and develop Paul and Okafor into stars. David West is good, but Chris Paul is the future.
New York Knicks -
In association, the Knicks are going to be a lot of fun, especially if you can trade to get your bench stronger, you should pretty much be unbeatable. Billups, Fields, Anthony and Stoudemire should be able to lead a team to the finals, but with some good role players, they will do it no worries. You shouldn’t be short on highlights playing with the Knicks and you also shouldn’t be short on points. The Knicks area good team for casual gamers because of the amount of stars on the team. New York play ball that fans just love to watch.
Oklahoma City Thunder -
I don’t understand how anyone could not absolutely love watching OKC play. There fast-paced offense is absolutely incredible. With KD, Russ, James Harden and Ibaka, the young run and gun play is one I love to use. The Western Conference finalists have got to be one of the best teams to use in Association and to have a few of the best players to use in Creating a Legend. The Thunder have proved themselves to be such a great side, so I am looking forward to taking them on and getting them a championship before LeBron James and Miami do.
Orlando Magic -
I found Orlando extremely hard to use in 2k11 because I couldn’t get it right with their jumpshooters, so too often was I left forcing the ball to Dwight on the post and getting hacked and missing from the foul line, using Real FT%. Turkoglu, J-Rich, Arenas and Quentin Richardson all on the decline, I wouldn’t suggest using them in Association. If you can get it right with the shooters, the Magic would be great, but playing with Orlando has never really done it for me. Playing with Dwight Howard is great though, his defense is tops, Create a Legend.
Philadelphia 76ers -
The backcourt of the 76ers is pretty good now, but in a year or two they will be great. Lou Williams, Evan Turner, Jrue Holiday and Iguodala teaming up with Thad Young, Speights, Brand and Hawes makes a pretty good team to use. If you’re looking for a team to use for the long haul, I would suggest the76ers as a young, fun, talented bunch of guys. There isn’t much ability from three point range although Nocioni is a nice role player, but the passing ability and use of the ball inside is what led this team to the playoffs.
Phoenix Suns -
Even after all these years in the NBA, Steve Nash, Vince Carter and Grant Hill are all play great basketball. Teaming up with young guns like Aaron Brooks, Channing Frye and Robin Lopez, I think that everyone should be able to make the Suns a playoff team in the next season of Association. Hakim Warrick is explosive, Channing Frye can shoot the ball and Steve Nash is still an amazing playmaker, I love using the Suns on 2k11. The role players are very effective when used correctly, so to make Phoenix a good team, make sure you know your stuff.
Portland Trail Blazers -
If you can stay injury free with the Blazers, there is no reason you shouldn’t be top 4 in the West. Lamarcus Aldridge is playing great basketball, so is Gerald Wallace, when Matthews and Batum have slightly higher overall rating’s, Portland will be a great side. With the accumulation of Felton, the Blazers have at least one strong player at each court position. Personally, I think Portland will be a strong association team, like many others in the NBA, because of their offensive games. That being said, I think overall, this team is going to be great fun to use.
Sacramento Kings -
If the season goes ahead and Jimmer Fredette gets up and about, the Kings will be playing quality basketball. It might take you a while to get your team chemistry up, but with, Hickson, Thornton, Thompson, Fredette, Evans and Cousins, you have a very strong team to put into an association. Any one of those names would be fine to see in the Creating a Legend mode, because each one of the players has potential and if you keep them healthy and together, they will become one of the stronger teams in the Western Conference. Teach me how to Jimmer!
San Antonio Spurs -
It was interesting to see that the age of the Spurs showed in the Playoffs, but not the experience. I wouldn’t suggest having the Spurs in Association because the team is run by Parker, Ginobili, Jefferson and Duncan, all who aren’t ridiculously far off calling it quits. I’m not saying that this season is the end, but if you’re looking to play with one team for the long haul I would suggest a younger team. If you are looking for a team to play quick games with, the Spurs are great because of their immense talent out on the court.
Toronto Raptors -
To be completely truthful, I don’t like the Raptors. I don’t like their style of play and I don’t like their players. Derozan would be good on a better team but they just don’t look like they have the talent or the will to win. I barely used them on 2k11 and am not planning to use them come 2k12. The Raptors are a good outside shooting team, but on the low post and on the inside, they aren’t that great. Andrea Bargnani needs to play alongside a centre who gets boards because he is more of a Power Forward.
Utah Jazz -
The Jazz really missed Deron Williams as they slipped to a record below .500. I like using the Jazz because they have a good mix of inside and outside players, with Jefferson and Millsap both having a good inside presence and Bell, Miles and Okur all decent from long range. After Deron left, we saw how much they relied on him but getting a strong Point Guard in Devin Harris and a strong young forward in Derrick Favors, the Jazz shouldn’t be far off being a playoff team again. A solid team to send your My Player Shooting Guard to.
Washington Wizards -
Pick and Roll, Wall to McGee. No worries. If this lockout ever ends, I am looking forward to watching the Wizards play because of Wall, Young, Vesely, Blatche and McGee. IMO, the Wizards are 2 or 3 years behind OKC,  good number 1 pick, some other solid players to take into an association. The Wizards have a great balance of shooters and post players and a great point guard to set the team up and take them into future years. Should be a team full of thunderous dunks, clutch 3’s and many highlights and a funky retro uniform for 2012.

These are my thoughts.